Small Groups

God uses Small Groups to train disciples, win the lost and minister to the Body of Christ in a very personal way. Our groups are designed to move people from believers to participants, building family therefore building community, while fostering spiritual growth & maturity. We encourage everyone who attends Breath of Life church to actively participate in a Small Group. The curriculum varies from sermon-based to special interest topics. Through Small Groups we take a deeper look at the scriptures and provide an opportunity to share insights, illustrations, and ask questions. 

Small Groups happen different times and days of the week and in different locations throughout the valley and on the Breath of Life campus. Check the calendar and join a small group close to you. Come and experience the electrifying excitement, learning and build relationship with other just like you.   

Call us for more information and to sign up for a Life-Giving Group.
Sundays, 11am, TeenLife Group, Jr High & High School.
A place to belong & make friends. Just show up.
Tuesdays,  7 PM – Online Ladies Intercessory Prayer.
For more information call 602-883-6002
Wednesdays, 7 PM – Young Parents Online Bible Study.
For more information call 602-883-6002 
Thursdays, 7pm (Come in at 6:30 for a refreshment before we begin)
In-Person Bible Study groups.
Just show up. You are welcomed.